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Information Resources

Community Health Understanding and Managing the Impacts of Tourism Coastal Zone Planning

Central Region Board Reports

The Central Region Board has completed several scoping reports on coastal planning in Clayoquot Sound.

West Coast Vancouver Island Aquatic Management Board

The WCVIAMB provides information and policy support for coastal planning and community development.

BC Coastal Planning

The B.C. Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management has completed several coastal plans in other regions of B.C.

Canada's Ocean Strategy

Canada’s Oceans Act and Oceans Strategy mandate Fisheries and Oceans Canada to perform integrated coastal management. In some cases, Fisheries and Oceans Canada has worked together with the Province of B.C. to collaborate on integrated coastal plans. The Central Coast Land and Resource Management Plan is an example of this collaboration.

Integrated Management

Background paper on integrated ocean management in Canada prepared by the DFO Oceans Program for the 2003 OMRN National Conference.

SFU Centre for Coastal Studies

The Simon Fraser University Centre for Coastal Studies performs research about coastal resources and coastal planning. Proceedings of an April 2003 conference about coastal planning will soon be posted on their website.

Community-based Monitoring

One way for communities to become involved in coastal planning is through community-based monitoring and mapping of our resources. The Shorekeepers program provides tools for communities to map and monitor shoreline habitats. A Ucluelet chapter has recently been established. The Ocean Management Research Network’s Integrated Management Node includes a working group on this topic. Richard Martell has written a thesis that asks hard questions about community-based monitoring in the Long Point Biosphere Reserve, and how it can support sustainable development. The UBC Fisheries Centre has published a report on the use of volunteer divers for marine research and monitoring.

Community Mapping Network

The Community Mapping Network provides an opportunity for community groups to access maps of various coastal resources and activities, as well as to add our own information to those maps. The Living Oceans Society also provides some coastal resource maps for Clayoquot and Barkley Sounds.

Bill 48: Agriculture, Food and Fisheries Statutes Amendment Act, 2003

This recently-passed bill allows the province to overrule local governments which decide they do not want fish-farming in their area.

Economics of Marine Protected Areas

The UBC Fisheries Centre has a report on the economics of Marine Protected Areas.

LOS: Marine Protected Areas

The Living Oceans Society is an excellent source of maps, reports, and strategies for marine protected areas througout B.C.

Marine Protected Areas and Fisheries Closures in Biritish Columbia

A book explaining the basics of marine protected areas.

Pacific Rim National Park Reserve

The Pacific Rim National Park Reserve is the most prominent example of a marine protected area in Clayoquot and Barkley Sounds. Parks Canada also has a country-wide National Marine Conservation Area program.

Marine Protected Areas Strategy for Canada's Pacific Coast

Fisheries and Oceans Canada has developed a Marine Protected Areas Strategy for Canada.

Marine Reserves Key to Preserving Ocean Ecosystems

The Pew Oceans Commission has published a report on the need for marine protected areas at the global scale.

CPAWS: Marine Protected Areas

Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society maintains a website for information and research about marine protected areas.

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. People . Research . Education . Training . Links . .
Last modified: October 25, 2004 | Contact: web@clayoquotalliance.uvic.ca