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Overview & highlights Conferences Publications
Clayoquot Alliance conferences
Date Title Documentation
Nov 2003 Clayoquot Symposium 2003: Citizen Science and Community Health, sponsored by the Clayoquot Alliance and the Clayoquot Biosphere Trust. Held at Tin Wis Resort (Tofino). Information »
Nov 2002 Clayoquot Sound Research Symposium, sponsored by the Clayoquot Alliance. Held at Tin Wis Resort (Tofino). Presentations »
May 2001 Clayoquot Sound Workshop — Adaptive Management and Community Sustainability, sponsored by the Policy Research Initiative. Held at Dunsmuir Lodge (Victoria) and Tin Wis Resort (Tofino). Workshop report »
Clayoquot Alliance presentations & workshops
Date & Format Participant(s) Title Conference
Dec 2004
Towagh Behr Authority, (Re)presentations & (Re)productions: the construction of ethnographic hypermedia American Anthropological Association Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Sept 2004
Barb Beasley Tales of a conservation biologist working among people of the cedar, salmon and sea New Zealand Ecological Society Conference, Invercargill, Murihiku, NZ
May 2004
Towagh Behr

Langue et culture autochtone hors contrôle : Les ordinateurs comme interlocuteurs sans discernement de la langue nuu-chah-nulth

Indigenous Language and Culture out of Control: Computers as Indiscriminate Speakers of Nuu-chah-nulth

Le Congrès de la Société Canadienne d’Anthropologie, London, Ontario

Conference of the Canadian Anthropology Society, London, Ontario

June 2003

Martin Bunton, Rod Dobell, Alison Evans, Stuart Lee, Sean LeRoy

Clayoquot Alliance for Research, Education and Training

Environmental Studies Association of Canada, Canadian Federation of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Halifax, NS

June 2003

Helga Hallgrímsdóttir, Martin Bunton, Rod Dobell, Stuart Lee, Shirley Von Sychowski

Community-based research: Theoretical, epistemological and methodological challenges

Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association Conference, Canadian Federation of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Halifax, NS

May 2003

Kelly Bannister, Towagh Behr, Stan Boychuk, Nadine Crookes, Rod Dobell, Sylvia Harron, Sean LeRoy, Anne Morgan, Gerry Schreiber, Jennifer Yakimishyn Clayoquot Alliance for Research, Education and Training: Exploring Borderlands, Bridging Boundaries (1.8 MB PDF) Community University Research: Partnerships, Policy and Progress, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK
Apr 2003
Kelly Bannister, Anne Morgan Clayoquot Alliance for Research, Education and Training (556 kB PDF) Celebration of Possibilities, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC
Mar 2003
Towagh Behr, Nancy Turner Bringing Back the Language Ethnobiology and Sustainability, Society for Ethnobiology, Seattle, WA
Nov 2002
Kelly Bannister, Anne Morgan Clayoquot Alliance for Research, Education and Training (556 kB PDF) Aboriginal Policy Research Conference, Ottawa, ON
Nov 2002
Kelly Bannister Workshop for SSHRC Ottawa, ON
Oct 2002
Rod Dobell, Katherine Barrett, Stuart Lee Whose knowledge counts? How do we count it? (HTML | PowerPoint) Policy Research Conference, Policy Reseach Initiative, Ottawa, ON

Oct 2002

Kelly Bannister

Culture, Heritage and Intellectual Property Rights: Current Opportunities and Challenges for Indigenous Communities

World’s Indigenous Peoples: Perspectives and Processes, Okanagan University College, Kelowna, BC

Sept 2002
Kelly Bannister Post-Congress Workshop: Community Protocols International Congress of Ethnobiology, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
May 2002
Rod Dobell, Stan Boychuk, Anne Morgan,

Sylvia Harron, Gerry Schreiber, Kelly Bannister

Clayoquot Alliance for Research, Education and Training (127 kB PDF) Coastal Community Network Conference, Port Alberni, BC
Dec 2001
Rod Dobell Social Learning, Social Capital and Adaptive Management in the Clayoquot Sound UNESCO Biosphere Reserve (57 kB PDF) Policy Research Conference, Policy Research Initiative, Ottawa, ON
Apr 2001
Rod Dobell Partnerships with Citizens New Players, Partners and Processes: A Public Sector without Boundaries? National Institute for Governance, Canberra, Australia
Feb 2000

Rod Dobell, Krista Iverson, Justin Longo, Ross McMillan

Citizen involvement, engagement and agency: Clayoquot Sound (HTML PowerPoint) Inter-jurisdictional Experience in Environmental Governance, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC
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. People . Research . Education . Training . Links . .
Last modified: March 21, 2005 | Contact: web@clayoquotalliance.uvic.ca